Common Mistakes When Hanging Art: How to Avoid Them for a Perfect Display

The Mistake: One of the most frequent mistakes is hanging artwork too high on the wall. This can make the art look disconnected from the furniture and overall decor.

How to Avoid It:

  • Eye Level Rule: The center of the artwork should be at eye level, typically about 57-60 inches from the floor. This ensures that the art is comfortably viewed without straining your neck.

  • Relate to Furniture: When hanging art above furniture, such as a sofa or console table, aim to have the bottom edge of the frame 6-8 inches above the furniture.

2. Ignoring Proportions and Scale

The Mistake: Choosing artwork that is too small or too large for the intended wall space can disrupt the visual balance of the room.

How to Avoid It:

  • Measure the Wall Space: Ensure the art fills a significant portion of the wall without overwhelming it. As a general rule, the artwork should take up about two-thirds to three-quarters of the wall space above a piece of furniture.

  • Create a Gallery Wall: If you have several smaller pieces, consider creating a gallery wall. Arrange them in a cohesive layout that balances the overall space.

3. Poor Placement and Spacing

The Mistake: Incorrect spacing between multiple pieces can make the arrangement look cluttered or disjointed.

How to Avoid It:

  • Consistent Spacing: Maintain consistent spacing between pieces. Typically, 2-3 inches of space between frames works well.

  • Mock-Up Arrangements: Lay out the pieces on the floor or use paper cutouts on the wall to plan your arrangement before committing to nail holes.

4. Not Considering Lighting

The Mistake: Poor lighting can detract from the beauty of your artwork, making it hard to appreciate.

How to Avoid It:

  • Natural Light: Place art where it will receive natural light, but avoid direct sunlight to prevent fading.

  • Accent Lighting: Use picture lights, wall sconces, or track lighting to highlight your art. Adjustable lighting can enhance the visual impact.

5. Skipping Proper Hanging Hardware

The Mistake: Using inadequate or incorrect hanging hardware can result in crooked art or even damage to the wall or artwork.

How to Avoid It:

  • Use Appropriate Hardware: Invest in quality picture hangers, wall anchors, or hanging systems designed for the weight and size of your artwork.

  • Level and Secure: Always use a level to ensure your art is straight and securely fastened.

6. Neglecting the Frame Style

The Mistake: A frame that clashes with the artwork or the room’s decor can diminish the overall effect.

How to Avoid It:

  • Match the Style: Choose frames that complement both the artwork and the room's interior design. Consider the color, material, and design of the frame.

  • Matting Matters: Use matting to enhance the artwork and provide a visual buffer between the art and the frame.

7. Not Planning for Future Additions

The Mistake: Failing to consider future art acquisitions can lead to a disorganized and cluttered display over time.

How to Avoid It:

  • Leave Room for Growth: When planning your art arrangement, leave some space for future pieces.

  • Modular Layouts: Consider modular layouts that can be easily adjusted and expanded as you acquire more art.


Hanging art is more than just placing pictures on a wall—it's about creating a harmonious and aesthetically pleasing environment that reflects your style and personality. By avoiding these common mistakes, you can ensure that your artwork enhances your space beautifully and cohesively. Take your time, plan carefully, and enjoy the process of turning your home into a personal gallery.


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