10 Common Misconceptions about Virtual Design

Virtual interior design is on the rise, but still an up-and-coming concept! If you’re familiar with how we do things here at J. Miles Design, you probably know that virtual design is our bread and butter! But, if you’re new around here, you may have some questions. At first, it may seem like a wild concept to have your home designed on the internet by someone who may live states away from you. Frequently, there are a lot of misconceptions about virtual interior design, and we’re here today to clear those up! Let’s bust some myths! 

  1. "It's Impersonal"

    One of the biggest misconceptions is that virtual interior design lacks a personal touch. In fact, our designers use advanced tools to understand clients' preferences and needs, ensuring a personalized design experience. With a client questionnaire, Pinterest boards, and inspiration photos, our designers are able to nail our clients’ visions! 

  2. "It's Only for Tech-Savvy People"

    You don't need to be a tech expert to enjoy virtual interior design. We make the process easy for you! Our online site is easy to use and send feedback. And, when it comes time to shop the items, we provide easy direct links for purchasing your chosen items!

  3. "Quality is Inferior"

    Despite the virtual platform, our professional interior designers uphold the highest industry standards. You receive the same quality of design expertise and attention to detail as you would with in-person services. We can say that’s true because we also offer in-person design services. 

  4. "Communication is Difficult"

    Contrary to this belief, our virtual design platforms often provide seamless communication channels! You can contact us via email, DM, or through our online design platform. We do our best to keep clients involved throughout the entire process.

  5. "It's More Expensive"

    In reality, virtual interior design can be a much more cost-effective choice. It eliminates travel and other logistical costs, making high-quality design services accessible to more people.

  6. "Designers Won't Understand My Space"

    Even without in-person visits, our virtual designers can understand your space. We use floor plans, photographs, and virtual tours to gain a comprehensive understanding of your interiors.

  7. "Limited Access to Materials and Products"

    Virtual design doesn't limit your choices. We have wide-ranging online resources and partnerships with retailers, providing a vast selection of materials and products. 

  8. "It's Only for Small Projects"

    Virtual design is scalable and can handle anything from small decor updates to extensive renovation projects. Literally, we have designed entire homes virtually!

  9. "I Won’t Have Any Control Over the Design"

    With virtual design, you're an integral part of the process. You're involved in every decision, from the initial concept to the final implementation.

  10. "Design Results Won't Match Expectations"

    With clear communication and advanced 3D modeling, virtual interior design can accurately translate your vision into reality, matching — and often surpassing — your expectations.

Virtual interior design is revolutionizing the way we enhance our living spaces. By debunking these misconceptions, we can embrace this innovative approach to creating beautiful, personalized interiors! If you’re ready to get started with virtual design today, contact us!


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